2016 m. spalio 26 d., trečiadienis

First 1m jumps! Future plans..


Not that long time ago, for the first time I jumped 1 meter with the lovely mare Lolly♥ It made so happy, that finally, I did it. (Personal little goals.) Can't be more happy :) Sure, he height of jump doesn't show how good you ride :) But, experience is always good! Then I practiced the half-halts and how to get that silent 'talking' with a horse (if you get it ). 
Recently I bought new riding breeches, weird ones, but I do like them!
For now, still no planned shows, so I'm in 'calm' mood :D Still... :D!
Currently starting to plan a new youtube video project, hehe, getting inspired again :>
Sorry for the short blog posts, I am soo busy! Can't even find time to do anythiiing.. maybe I am bit lazy? Who isn't? hahah :D
Sorry for my heel, nobody is perfect, even Grand Prix riders ;)) (Just look at that extension)

2016 m. spalio 8 d., šeštadienis


So a lot of things happened this time!

1. One weekend I woke up at 5:30AM guess why..? It was the day, when I had to go to my first horse show! And sure, compete there :D I was tired, a little bit nervous, but happy. When we all got to the barn, started taking all horse stuff to the cars and horse trailer, took the horses and yep we gone to the show! There we tacked up, got prepared and headed all the way to warm up. I had to start the show 9th, first from our team. yeah.. exciting :D I finished the course clear! Yes, in trot, why not? And we came 7th, which was 'omg how?' for me :D Second day wasn't that lucky, in first, mare refused the jumps, but I was enough brave to go the course for the second time. This one was better!
Ugh what a cool weekend it was! New experience, a lot of nerves and feelings, trust for a horse, knowlege, learning and a lot more♥
Video on my channel: Show video

Second weekend was cool too :D

2.We gone to the Litexpo sport festival 2016. Had a little show program for the people, who were interested in starting horse riding.  
The video about it is on my channel: Litexpo video